Welcome to the School of Nursing and Midwifery's Faculty Research Theme (FReT)

Health, Care and Wellness

Dr Andrew Finney

"Welcome to our FReT of health, care and wellness. Our ambition is to be leading national and international research where work of the highest quality and impact is produced. We will be distinguished by our inclusive, supportive and proactive research environment including academics, clinicians, students and external partners, with a remit to undertake research in Health, Care and Wellness providing benefits to patients and health services."

FReT Lead, Dr Andrew Finney

Our FReT is divided into three specialist areas (sub-groups) where we have strong clinical and research expertise:

Primary, Community and District Nursing Research

This national research group meets monthly (online) to discuss all things research in primary care and community nursing. This inclusive group is open to all health disciplines and research methodologists who would like to work with or support nursing research in this area. Our members cover all parts of the UK and we support each other to develop greater capacity and collaboration opportunities for research in this field. Our goal is to create opportunity for studentships, fellowships and grants. Please contact Dr Andrew Finney a.finney@keele.ac.uk if you would like to become a member or complete our short membership form.

Women’s Health Research

The Women’s Health Research Group is an interdisciplinary group that brings together those who are interested in researching Women’s Health. Current members of the group include researchers, academics, clinicians, community nurses, practice nurses, retired healthcare professionals, psychologists and business leaders.  Our aim is to promote a space to discuss research ideas, create opportunities to collaborate, extend our knowledge and engage in research and scholarly activity. Please contact Professor June Keeling, j.keeling@keele.ac.uk if you would like more information or to become a group member or complete our short membership form.

Loss, Bereavement and End of Life Care Research

This sub-group welcomes clinicians and academics with an interest in any aspect of research involving death and dying. It aims to support individuals’ progress in their research journey, whether this means writing your first journal article or applying for a fully funded research grant. Currently, much of the research expertise is in qualitative research methodologies but we would welcome members with more quantitative experience. Please contact Dr Kate Lillie, a.k.lillie@keele.ac.uk if you would like more information or to become a group member or complete our short membership form.

Seminar series ‘The 20-Minuters’

We hold a bi-monthly seminar series that lasts 30 minutes (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions). 20-Minuters seminars are held on a Wednesday lunchtime. Staff or external partners can sign up to attend or to present at a future seminar. Presenters are encouraged to use the seminar as preparation for a conference or as an opportunity to present finding prior to a Viva or to just gauge audience feedback.

Our seminar programme for 2023 can be found at the bottom of the page.

For more details please contact a.finney@keele.ac.uk

Bright Ideas Clinics

We hold our research bright ideas clinics bi-monthly on Wednesday lunchtimes. These clinics provide a friendly panel of researchers to discuss a research idea with. No idea is a bad idea, no presentation is necessary. We simply encourage people to share their bright ideas in the hope that we can guide you to writing a research proposal or funding application in the future.

Please see our Bright Ideas flyer for 2023 at the bottom of the page. For more details please contact a.finney@keele.ac.uk

Please see our quick guide to getting you started in writing a ‘prospective abstract’ as a starter to writing a research proposal.

Seminar programme for 2023 (113 KB)

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Bright Ideas Clinics flyer (461 KB)

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