NHS Community staff

Training is available from the Outreach Librarians for NHS staff working in the community, including primary care commissioners or providers, or Combined Healthcare staff, or NHS partners.

The NHS Outreach team can offer remote training in the following:

  • NHS OpenAthens: advice on making the best use of the resources available to NHS Staff
  • Literature searching using health and health management databases e.g. Medline, PsychInfo, for beginners and more advanced users
  • Literature searching using social care information resources
  • Cochrane Library
  • Finding and using high quality internet resources
  • Searching the internet more effectively
  • Advanced search techniques for Google and other search engines
  • Using ebooks available with an NHS OpenAthens username
  • Keeping up-to-date with information using emails and other online alerting services
  • Advice on using Smartphones to access information resources

Please contact the Outreach team to arrange a session.