Leave of absence
If you need to take a break from your course, it may be possible for you to take a leave of absence. This is an authorised break in studies, usually for the remainder of the current academic year or a period of up to 12 months.
A leave of absence means that you take time out of your studies, and therefore stop participating in scheduled learning and teaching activities, attending your classes and are not required to take your assignments.
Students may request a leave of absence for a number of reasons, such as:
- Health reasons
- Maternity
- Personal or domestic problems
- Bereavement
- Financial difficulties
- Work placement
- Changing course
Please note that this guidance is for students studying in-person undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes. If you are a postgraduate research student, please see the guidance and forms available from Keele Doctoral Academy.
If you are an online master's student please follow this link to find out about Study Breaks.
What is a leave of absence and how do I take one?
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is defined as an absence from the University of greater than 15 days’ duration but normally no more than 12 months’ duration, during which time you are not undertaking any study.
Please be aware that a leave of absence is classed as a temporary suspension of your studies, and is different from taking a short-term absence for sickness, bereavement or other personal circumstances.
In the first instance, you should talk to your Student Experience and Support Officer for guidance on the financial and practical implications of taking a LOA, including your return date and any repeat period required. You may also wish to talk the option through with your academic mentor, student success coordinator or another relevant member of staff in your academic school, such as your course director, module tutor, a year tutor or study support tutor for advice on academic implications, such as the availability of your course and particular modules when you return.
Once you have received all of the relevant guidance, you will then need to complete the online leave of absence request form. This is found in your eVision account in the Courses and Modules section.
When can I take a leave of absence?
Whole year leave of absence:
- You can request a leave of absence before an academic year begins in order to take a 'year out' of study.
- This may be for reasons such as work placement or maternity.
- As you will not be in attendance for the full academic year, you will not be charged any tuition fees and also not be eligible for any maintenance loan.
- You would resume your studies at the point before you took LOA, e.g. if you take LOA after successfully completing Level 5, you will resume your studies in Level 6.
Mid year leave of absence:
- You can request a leave of absence during an academic year up until the end of the teaching period.
- This may be because you experience ill health or other significant personal circumstances that mean you can no longer engage in your studies.
- You will be charged tuition fees up until the point of taking leave, please see financial implications sections below.
- You would resume your studies with a repeat period, e.g. if you take LOA during semester one of Level 5, you will return at the start of the next academic year to repeat Level 5.
How do I complete the online form?
The form will ask you for the following information:
- Start date: This is the date that you complete the form, or a future date if there is a particular date that you are requesting the leave from. Please note that leave of absence start dates can not be backdated.
- End date: If you are returning to study at the start of the academic year in September please enter the return date as 1st August. If you are returning at the start of the second semester please enter the return date as 1st January. Please note that if you are studying a postgraduate, distance learning course or are a Keele Online Learner, you may be able to agree an alternative return date and you should confirm this directly with your course director.
- Reason: Select the most appropriate reason from the drop down menu. Please note that if you are taking leave of absence for health reasons, medical evidence is required.
- Evidence: Attach your supporting evidence, for example a letter from your GP or other health professional if the reason is health, or an employment contract if the reason is work placement.
- Statement: Outline the reasons that you wish to take leave of absence, noting how your studies have been affected by your circumstances and who you have discussed your request with.
What are the financial implications of taking leave of absence? (Undergraduate)
Tuition fees:
UK/EU students: You will be charged tuition fees for this academic year based on your leave of absence date. Please note that these dates change slightly each academic year depending on the specific term dates, but the following dates are a general guide. As part of your discussions with a student support adviser we will advise you on the specific dates.
- First 4 weeks of the academic year - no fee.
- Term 1 - 25%
- Term 2 - 50%
- Term 3 - 100%
This amount will get added to the total amount borrowed from the Student Loans Company. You can receive funding for the full length of your degree programme plus one additional year, therefore this will have an impact on the funding you can receive in the future when you return to university. If you have already used your repeat year funding, it’s important that you discuss this with Student Services, as we will be able to advise you on your options such as applying to Student Finance for compelling personal reasons funding.
You will then be charged tuition fees for your repeat year as normal.
International students: If you take a leave of absence in the first 4 weeks of the academic year, you will not be charged tuition fees. Following this, your tuition fees will be charged on a pro-rata calculation based on the number of completed weeks.
You will then be charged tuition fees for your repeat year as normal.
For further guidance on specific tuition fees, you should contact your academic school.
Maintenance loan
UK/EU students: Once your leave of absence is processed, we will send a notification to Student Finance and they will recalculate your entitlement to maintenance loan this academic year based on your date of leave of absence. They will contact you directly about any overpayment.
Please note that if you are taking leave of absence for health reasons and provide medical evidence to support this, Student Finance will include an additional 60 days of funding that you are entitled to after the date of your leave of absence.
What are the financial implications of taking leave of absence? (Postgraduate)
Tuition fees
If you take a leave of absence in the first 4 weeks of the academic year, you will not be charged tuition fees. Following this, your tuition fees will be charged on a pro-rata calculation based on the number of completed weeks.
You will then be charged tuition fees for your repeat year as normal.
For further guidance on specific tuition fee amounts, you should contact your academic school.
Postgraduate student finance
If you receive a postgraduate student loan from Student Finance, please note that in most cases you will not be entitled to receive any further funding if you repeat a year of your course. However, if you have experienced exceptional circumstances that have led to you taking a leave of absence you should contact Student Finance to discuss the compelling personal reasons process.
What are the implications for my accommodation?
If you live in campus accommodation, once your leave of absence is processed you will have 28 days to move out of your accommodation and return your key to the accommodation office. If moving out outside of office hours, during the evening or weekend you should return your key to the security office in Darwin building instead of the accommodation office.
Your accommodation fees will then be recalculated based on this date. If you have overpaid then you will be entitled to a refund of the overpayment. This will automatically be calculated, however if you have any queries you should contact the Income Office.
Please note that if you live in off campus accommodation, this guidance does not apply. Students with off campus tenancies are usually liable for the full rent for the remainder of your tenancy, unless you can find a replacement tenant as per the terms and conditions of your agreement. For further guidance relating to off campus accommodation you should contact ASK in the Students Union.
What do I need to do while I’m on leave of absence?
While you are on leave of absence, you do not need to engage in any aspect of your studies. However, closer to your return date you will need to check your Keele email account so that you can complete the return process.
Your Student Experience and Support Officer can also arrange check-ins with you while on leave, but this is your choice if you wish to have contact.
If you intend to live on campus after your return from leave of absence, you should apply for accommodation following the usual processes and timescales. If you take leave of absence after the accommodation application deadline or are returning for a single semester only, contact the accommodation office directly for guidance on campus availability.
What are the implications if I am an international student?
If you are an international student studying on a student visa, the University will inform the Home Office (UKVI) when you start your Leave of Absence and you will then be required to leave the UK as your current visa will be curtailed (cancelled).
A few months prior to returning to Keele, it will be necessary for you to request a new CAS and apply for fresh student visa Entry Clearance in order to return to the UK and resume your studies.
Please contact visa@keele.ac.uk if you require any further guidance on this process.
What is the process for returning from a leave of absence?
You will be given a task in your eVision account to complete prior to your return. You will need to complete this to notify the university of your intention to return to studies, or to request to discuss your circumstances with an adviser. The task will be available in your eVision account at the following timescales:
- Health based leave of absence: 8 weeks prior to your return date
- Any other reason: 6 weeks prior to your return date
Please note that if you are returning from a health based leave of absence you will also be required to provide medical evidence that confirms that you are fit to return to your studies. This should be from your GP or other relevant health professional. You will not be permitted to return to your studies until medical evidence is provided, so please ensure that you take steps to obtain your evidence as soon as the return process becomes available.