Assessment and Feedback Code of Practice

Guidance for students

From September 2024 the University has published a new Assessment and Feedback Code of Practice. This Code of Practice sets out the University's minimum expectations in relation to the design and implementation of assessment, and associated feedback processes. The Code of Practice is designed to: 

  • Ensure a more consistent, institution-wide approach to the design and implementation of assessment and feedback practices. 
  • Ensure assessment is designed at a programme level and is clearly linked to programme level intended learning outcome.
  • Ensure students are treated fairly and equitably in assessment and feedback, and that all students have opportunities to excel and to achieve their best. 
  • Enhance staff and student assessment and feedback literacies to facilitate the design of high-quality assessment and effective feedback processes, and support students in taking responsibility for their own learning. 

The Code of Practice applies to all undergraduate and taught postgraduate degree programmes, including degree apprenticeship, Keele University International College programmes, Foundation Year, online-only courses, and on Keele programmes taught at international partner institutions.

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