Examination policies and code of practice
University policy on the use of calculators in examinations
Unless the rubric of the examination paper strictly prohibits it, students may use a calculator in all University examinations.
The following principles are designed to regulate the type of calculator that may be used. These principles ensure that students do not bring into the examination room any device that would enable them to obtain an unfair advantage. The introduction of specific principles aims to provide clarity and reassurance to all students that they are bringing the correct calculator into an examination, ensure parity of treatment across the entire student body whilst not restricting students to a few models that may require them to purchase new and/or expensive equipment.
Keele University students must follow the below principles when using calculators in examinations:
- The calculator must not have any means of transmitting or receiving information during the exam. Therefore, the use of all mobile devices and smart watches as calculators is not permitted. Mobile devices and smart watches are not allowed in the exam hall as described elsewhere.
- If you use a calculator:
- make sure it works properly and check that the batteries are ok;
- it must be silent in operation, fit on the desk, and have its own self-contained power supply;
- you must clear anything stored in it prior to the exam, including data, mathematical formulae, dictionaries or other text;
- you must also remove any pre-prepared programs stored on it (irrespective of whether you have downloaded them or created yourself);
- remove any parts such as cases, lids or covers which have printed instructions or formulae;
- do not bring any operating instructions into the exam room.
- Invigilators may examine any item a student brings into the examination room. If a calculator does not comply with these principles, it will be confiscated and returned only at the end of the examination; no replacement will be provided.
- These principles may be over-ridden in specific individual cases where a student has a reasonable adjustment which has been agreed with the Student Services team.
The lending or sharing of calculators in an examination is not permitted, and spare calculators are not provided, so ensure that your calculator is appropriate before you sit your first examination.
If you have any concerns regarding whether your calculator is acceptable for use in University examinations then please bring the calculator to the Student Services Hub situated in the Claus Moser building where staff will be happy to check this and advise you accordingly.
Adverse weather policy
Information for students about sitting examinations during periods of adverse weather
All centrally timetabled University Examinations are categorised as an essential service and therefore the University will take every step to ensure that all examinations are able to continue, even if specific venues have to be amended due to the impact of severe weather.
In the event of non-essential services being closed due to severe weather, all students who live on campus will be expected to attend their examination(s) as timetabled. Students who do not live on campus are advised to attend examinations only if they feel safe to do so.
Students who do not live on campus, who are unable to attend an examination on a day when non-essential services have been closed, will need to register their absence on the day via e-vision and will automatically be awarded a further first attempt to sit the examination at the next available opportunity.
Students who live on campus who do not attend an examination and students who do not live on campus who fail to register their absence, will on a day when non-essential services are closed be required to follow the standard University procedures and submit an exceptional circumstances form using e:vision, accompanied by the appropriate evidence.
Regular updates will appear on this page during any periods of adverse weather conditions which affect the University campus whilst examinations are taking place.
Please click on the link below for instructions on registering your non-attendance at a University examination that has been affected by adverse weather conditions.
How to register non attendance during adverse weather conditions
Assessment and Feedback Code of Practice
The Assessment and Feedback Code of Practice is available here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/students/academiclife/examinations/assessmentandfeedbackcodeofpractice/
Examinations and Open Book Assessments Code of Practice
This Code of Practice has been produced for both students and staff, including students studying at Collaborative Partner Institutions. It sets out the University’s approach to scheduling and delivering examinations and to provide detailed descriptions of processes and roles of people involved in these processes.