Guidance for students preparing to sit 28 hour open book assessments

This guidance attempts to answer some of the most common questions from students in relation to open-book assessments. Please ensure that you check the relevant KLE and/or Teams spaces associated with your modules for additional information about open-book assessments. If you have further questions or queries which are not covered in these FAQs, then you should contact your School for advice.

Academic misconduct in open book assessments

Before you sit your first open book assessment you should make sure that you are aware of what is classed as academic misconduct in open book assessments.

Unless specified otherwise, you should work independently on your assessment.

You must not communicate or attempt to communicate with anyone about the content of the assessment during the period when the assessment is taking place.

You must ensure that you do not take any actions during the assessment that would be classed as academic misconduct as this will result in a penalty being given. The types of academic misconduct are listed in Section 5 of the Student Academic Misconduct Code of Practice.  In particular, for open book assessments:

 You must not plagiarise someone else’s words and ideas;

  • You must not distribute the questions or other relevant information relating to the assessment during the assessment window whether this whether this be in person or electronically (including by social media, gaming or other similar platforms);
  • You must not work with another person to prepare answers;
  • You must not obtain or attempt to obtain unpermitted assistance in the creation of the assignment during an open-book assessment