Information for students preparing to sit their exams
If you are new to sitting exams at Keele please watch this helpful video so you know what to expect when arriving to sit your exams. Please also read the top tips on what you can and can't do in the exam venue and take some time to familiarise yourself with the exams code of practice.
Sitting your exams at Keele University
A quick guide
Academic Misconduct in examinations
Before you sit your first examination you should make sure that you are aware of what is classed as academic misconduct in examinations
You must ensure that you do not take any actions during the examination that would be classed as academic misconduct as this will result in a penalty being given. The types of academic misconduct are listed in Section 5 of the Student Academic Misconduct Code of Practice. In particular, for examinations the following will be classed as academic misconduct:
- Possession of unauthorised material and/or electronic devices in an examination
- Communicating or attempting to communicate with someone else, apart from an invigilator, during an examination
- Copying, or attempting to copy another student’s answers during an examination
- Continuing to write (or continuing to perform whatever task is being examined) after the end of the examination
- Allowing another person to impersonate yourself or impersonating another person in an examination