If a student’s application to the scheme is successful, the University will act as a guarantor for the successful student. The student will be required to sign a student agreement to show that they understand their responsibilities and the responsibilities of the University under the terms of the scheme.
The University will not sign individual tenancy agreements. We will provide a signed copy of the Keele University rent guarantee agreement; this agreement must be signed by the landlord and returned to Keele University. If the landlord is not willing to accept the terms and conditions of the Rent Guarantor Scheme, then the University will be unable to act as a guarantor.
Keele University will charge an administration fee to the student of £30. This fee is only payable if a student's application is successful.
As normal, the student would pay rent directly to the landlord or agent. The University would expect students to contact the Financial Support team as soon as possible if they are struggling to pay your rent, and students on the scheme must contact us within 3 days of an actual default, to discuss options.
If a student on the Rent Guarantor Scheme has defaulted on their rent payments, landlords must notify Student Services by email at student.services@keele.ac.uk within 14 days (2 weeks) after the date on which the rent becomes overdue. The University would expect the landlord to have first approached the student for the rent before contacting the University.
If the University is required to make a payment under the Rent Guarantor Scheme, the amount spent will be added to the student's account as a debt to Keele University. The debt will be subject to the University’s debt recovery procedure and Charging and Payment of Student Fees Policy