Keele University Access and Participation Plan

Our Access and Participation Plan articulates our ongoing commitment to improving equity of opportunity for students to access, succeed in and progress from higher education. Our latest plan, approved by the Office for Students, incorporates contributions from colleagues across our university community. 

Our founding mission to “making a difference in society by providing innovative, high-quality education for students from all backgrounds and by undertaking world-leading research that transforms understanding and brings benefit to society, communities and individuals”, has not, and will not change. Keele strives to be a place where learning, living, and working is a positive experience for our entire community. We seek to ensure equity of opportunity to all our applicants with the potential and motivation to succeed, regardless of background. 

Our Access and Participation plans demonstrate our institutional commitment to embed work to support access, participation and success into wider university practice, structures, and strategies. At Keele, we recognise that all our students have different circumstances. We strive for equal outcomes, and we will provide resources, opportunities, and support in an equitable way, to support members of our community to be successful.