Keele University cares about the world and our place in it

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Keele, tackling the world's biggest problems through our research, and educating tomorrow's leaders to shape a brighter future.

Woman with hard hat

Award winning

Our research, expertise, and passion for sustainability is renowned around the world; it's why we were named Global Sustainability Institution of the Year in the Green Gown Awards (2021).

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Our green campus

Our 617 acre site has a wealth of biodiversity and resources which make it an excellent place to explore opportunities for sustainability initiatives.

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Sustainability research

We've turned our campus into a 'living laboratory' to test new and emerging smart energy technologies.

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Working with you

Helping your business to become more sustainable.

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Sustainability education and outreach

Developing an environmentally aware and sustainable outward- facing campus community lies at the heart of our Strategic Plan.

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Root and Branch

Sustainability is one of Keele's priorities. Not just through excellence in our research and education, but also embedding sustainability into everything that we do.

Low Carbon Energy Generation Park

Low Carbon Energy Generation Park

Featuring two wind turbines and 12,500 solar panels, as well as an industrial-sized battery to store the generated energy, the Low Carbon Energy Generation Park generates up to 50% of the University’s campus electricity requirements from renewable sources, saving around 1,500 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.

How are we doing?

Water icon
Water efficiency strategy
Minimising water consumption.
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Education for Sustainability
Over 96% of our courses embed sustainability.
Solar icon
50% of our electricity
from campus renewables.
Hedgehog icon
Platinum hedgehog award
Friendly Campus accreditation.
Net zero icon
A living laboratory
The U.K.'s first live pilot to inject zero carbon hydrogen into a gas network to heat homes and buildings.
Leaf icon
Grow your own
Campus allotments have been in place for over 10 years to support student, staff and community growing.
Electric plug icon
Electric vehicles
Embedding sustainability into all our campus operations.
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Sustainability bungalow
An 'exemplar' of sustainable student living.
Gold award 2023 in the Teaching Excellence Framework
Number 1 in the UK for student satisfaction - studentcrowd
80 per cent of research was classified as world leading, or internationally excellent REF 2021
Gold award 2023 in the Teaching Excellence Framework