Primary Care Sciences
PhD / MPhil
- Duration
- PhD – 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
MPhil – 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has a strong tradition of a multidisciplinary approach to research and student training. Our research is ranked as world leading and the focused interaction of scientists, methodologists and clinicians is key to the success of our ‘bench to bedside’ approach.
Our staff and students undertake a broad range of clinical, laboratory and educational research across the Keele campus and linked clinical sites across Staffordshire, Shropshire and Oswestry including partnerships with University Hospitals of North Midlands and Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust.
Our research encompasses a ‘bench to bedside’ approach with a multidisciplinary interaction between scientists, methodologists and clinicians.
Our Faculty is divided into four Schools. Each School has a Research Director with oversight of the research carried out within the Schools. The Faculty also has a number of cross cutting Faculty Research Themes, which reflect Keele’s research strengths, and is also home to the Keele Institute for Global Health [LINK], the Keele Clinical Trials Unit and the Impact Accelerator Unit.
School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
The School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy hosts the Prevention, Performance, and Rehabilitation theme.
This brings together scientists and engineers with clinical researchers to tackle the physical limitations brought on by neuromuscular and skeletal disease, injury and ageing. Our goal is to facilitate improvement in functional ability to promote independence, participation and quality of life.
The School of Medicine hosts three Faculty Research themes,
- Musculoskeletal Health
To design, produce and implement world leading interdisciplinary research and evidence, which improves the prevention, identification, diagnosis and management (self-management, treatments and models of care) of musculoskeletal health.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
This spans a range of topics from common mental health problems (anxiety and depression) to severe mental illness and dementia across UK and global healthcare contexts
- Health Professional Education
Developing, implementing and evaluating innovations in health care education research into practice.
These are underpinned by methodological strengths including biostatistics (including big data analytics using medical record databases, clinical trials and prognostic modelling and risk prediction), mixed methods research, and systematic reviews and evidence synthesis.
Our key memberships, include:
- NIHR National School for Primary Care Research
- NIHR Collaborations for Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands
- Versus Arthritis Primary Care Centre of Excellence
- NIHR Incubator for Clinical Education
We also host students in key doctoral training partnerships including;
- Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Primary Care Clinicians
- ESRC The North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership
- NIHR Integrated Academic Training Programme
The School of Nursing hosts the Health, Care, and Wellness theme.
This brings together Clinical Practice Research, Loss, Bereavement and Palliative Care Research and Women’s Health Research
School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy
The School of Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy hosts the Regenerative Medicine theme
This includes cell and tissue engineering, and its use in medical applications such as autologous treatments, bioartificial organs and tissues for replacement surgery.
We host a number of key partnerships including;
- European Centre of Excellence in Tissue Engineering (EXPERTISSUES)
- EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Centre in Regenerative Medicine
- Versus Arthritis Centre of Excellence
- EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Regenerative Medicine
Research interests
Research interests
- Global Health
- Healthcare Professional Education and training
- Health, Care and Wellness
- Musculoskeletal Health
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Medicine, Nursing and Allied Healthcare Professions (including pharmacy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy)
- Primary Care
- Regenerative Medicine
Our expertise
Our expertise
The Faculty has an exceptional research standing with many staff gaining grants from national and international funding bodies and this also facilitates the expertise that can be drawn upon to support the supervision of doctoral students outside of the immediate supervisory team.