Santander Awards Keele Graduate a US Scholarship
Posted on 01 September 2014 Keele University is one of only two universities in the UK to be awarded a place on a prestigious Entrepreneurship Programme.
Keele top rated for Students' Union activities
Posted on 12 December 2014 Keele University Students’ Union has been placed among the top universities in the country for varied students’ union activities, as rated by students.
Blackpool earth tremors during ‘fracking’ induced on ancient fault
Posted on 09 December 2014 New research has demonstrated that the 2011 Blackpool earth tremors during ‘fracking’ were induced on an ancient pre-existing fault.
Keele students to recreate WWI Christmas Truce football match
Posted on 09 December 2014 As part of the Keele University's WW1 Centenary Remembrance programme Keele Uni FC visited Belgium and Germany to replay a football match against Aachen University to remember the front line soldiers who came together on Christmas Eve 1914 in No Man’s Land.
£3.75 million funding for new world class Life Sciences teaching lab
Posted on 09 December 2014 Keele University has been successful in its bid to receive a share of £200 million funding for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) teaching capital projects during 2015-16. Keele plans to use the £3,750,000 it has been awarded to build a large new, state-of-the-art, multi-user Life Sciences teaching laboratory on the University campus.
The Science of Santa - Sustainability Hub Christmas Seminar
Posted on 08 December 2014 How will Santa visit 9.2 billion children in just 24 hours? Is this pure magic or does the answer lie in the strange and wonderful world of quantum physics?
Children’s Charity Announces New Chair
Posted on 02 December 2014 A professor at Keele University has been announced as the new Chair of the Board of Trustees at The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice.
Keele re-designated as a member of NIHR: School for Primary Care
Posted on 21 November 2014 The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has announced the new membership for its School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) with funding of over £30 million over the next five years to support world-leading research into how primary care can deliver the best health care for NHS patients.
Remotely controlled magnetic nanoparticles stimulate stem cells to regenerate bones
Posted on 17 November 2014 Medical researchers from Keele University and Nottingham University have found that magnetic nanoparticles coated with targeting proteins can stimulate stem cells to regenerate bone.
UK Corporate Games at Keele
Posted on 14 November 2014 Major companies will flock to Keele University next June to show off their sporting prowess after Staffordshire fought off stiff competition from around Britain to host the prestigious UK Corporate Games.
Christmas at Keele
Posted on 14 November 2014 Christmas partygoers want more say in this year’s company celebrations as increasing numbers of employees contribute financially to festive parties, says Keele University Conferences and Events.
Culture and Sustenance Festival: Meanings and Legacies of the Great War
Posted on 06 November 2014 A major festival focussing on culture and survival during the Great War andits continued relevance over the century is to be held at Keele University on Wednesday 19 November.

Keele celebrates double success at Green Gown Awards
Posted on 04 November 2014 Keele University has won two prestigious Green Gown Awards, which recognise exceptional contributions to sustainability, and innovative approaches to safeguarding the environment.
Film director Ken Loach to open new viewing room
Posted on 04 November 2014 Ken Loach, arguably Britain’s pre-eminent living director, will visit Keele University on Thursday, 20 November, to officially open a new viewing room in the Media Building and take part in a question and answer session, which is open to all.
Everything you wanted to know about online pricing by airlines and hotels
Posted on 03 November 2014 Professor Claudio Piga, Keele Management School, will examine “Everything you wanted to know about online pricing by airlines and hotels, but never dared to test” in the second lecture in Keele's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2014-15.
UpRising Core Leadership Programme launch
Posted on 29 October 2014 UpRising has announced the launch of their flagship Core Leadership programme to young people aged 19 - 25 across North Staffordshire. The programme has been endorsed by Keele University and will be delivered in partnership with YMCA North Staffordshire.
Director of Engagement and Partnerships appointed
Posted on 28 October 2014 Dr Mark Bacon, currently Director of Business Partnerships & Enterprise in Science & Technology at Lancaster University, has been appointed as the Director of Engagement and Partnerships at Keele University.
Decision aid for kidney patients
Posted on 27 October 2014 A Keele University researcher has helped develop a kidney dialysis decision aid, which enables patients with decreasing kidney function to better assess the right treatment for them.
Keele Primary Care trial one of world's most significant
Posted on 27 October 2014 A trial by a team at the Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre (Instittue for Primary Care & Health Sciences) at Keele University evaluating stratified primary care management for low back pain has been selected as one of the 15 most significant trials in physiotherapy internationally.
New Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Natural Sciences
Posted on 27 October 2014 Keele University alumnus, Professor Jonathan Wastling, currently Professor of Infection Biology and Head of the Department of Infection Biology in the Institute of Infection and Global Health at the University of Liverpool, is set to return to his alma mater as the new Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Natural Sciences.
Wellcome Trust Science Writing Prize Winner
Posted on 24 October 2014 Dr Richard Stephens, Psychology, is one of the winners of the fourth Wellcome Trust Science Writing Prize announced this week at a ceremony held at Wellcome Trust HQ in London.
Exposure to Aluminium may impact on male fertility
Posted on 21 October 2014 New research from scientists in the UK and France suggests that human exposure to aluminium may be a significant factor in falling sperm counts and reduced male fertility.
ESRC Festival of Social Science at Keele
Posted on 20 October 2014 Two events at Keele University have been listed in the ESRC festival of social science - a week-long series of events nationally aimed at improving the profile of the social sciences among the general public.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership to control thrips and whitefly
Posted on 20 October 2014 Keele University and Russell IPM Ltd have been awarded funding for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to design improved traps for the control of thrips and whiteflies that have a huge impact on global food production.
Aluminium and its likely contribution to Alzheimer’s disease
Posted on 13 October 2014 A world authority on the link between human exposure to aluminium in everyday life and its likely contribution to Alzheimer’s disease, Professor Christopher Exley of Keele University, UK, says in a new report that it may be inevitable that aluminium plays some role in the disease.
KeeleSU one of UK's 'best' venues for contemporary live music
Posted on 13 October 2014 KeeleSU features in the LiveUK Report 2014 as one of the UK's best venues for contemporary live music.
Under One Roof Social Enterprise Conference Launch
Posted on 10 October 2014 Keele University, in partnership with Staffordshire University, is set to launch the Under One Roof - Social Enterprise Conference on Tuesday 14th October 2014.
Steps to Medicine @ Keele
Posted on 07 October 2014 Keele University has launched a new scheme to help young learners in the Stoke-on-Trent area who are interested in studying medicine at university.
Melvyn Bragg - in conversation with John Shapcott
Posted on 06 October 2014 Award-winning novelist, arts film-Maker, radio broadcaster, Fellow of The Royal Society and The British Academy, Melvyn Bragg will talk about a full creative life, from the B.B.C. in the in the 1960s to the publication of his most recent semi-autobiographical book, Grace and Mary, at Keele.
Causes of memory disorder in Parkinson’s
Posted on 02 October 2014 Professor Nicky Edelstyn, School of Psychology at Keele University, will give the opening lecture in Keele's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2014-15. The title of her lecture is: "Causes of memory disorder in Parkinson’s".
Keele astronomers find 'cousin' planets around twin stars
Posted on 30 September 2014 Astronomers at Keele University have found two new Jupiter-sized extra-solar planets, each orbiting one star of a binary-star system.
The Eleventh Keele Meeting on Aluminium
Posted on 29 September 2014 Scientists from across the globe will be gathering in Lille, France, for the Eleventh Keele Meeting on Aluminium, organised and hosted by The Birchall Centre, Keele University, DigestScience and the University of Lille 2.
Moving up Sunday Times League Table
Posted on 26 September 2014 Keele has moved up four places in the prestigious Sunday Times University League Table 2015 - the most authoritative and widely respected guide to universities in the UK.
"Marvellous" - BBC2
Posted on 25 September 2014 The new TV drama “Marvellous” will be screened at 9pm on BBC 2 on Thursday, 25th September.
Keele hits zero landfill waste target
Posted on 24 September 2014 Keele University has hit its target of sending no campus waste direct to landfill by August 2014 as part of its new partnership with Biffa Waste Services Ltd to dispose of its waste.
Duke of Gloucester visits Keele
Posted on 24 September 2014 His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester KG GCVO visited Keele today to see the new £2.8 million extension to the Anatomy Suite at the School of Medicine, get an overview of the internationally renowned work of the Research Institute for Primary care and Health Sciences, and tour the Sustainability Hub.
All the Days She Can Spare
Posted on 23 September 2014 All the Days She Can Spare - an exhibition of prints, drawings and words by Staffordshire-based artist Russell Morris made in response to Alzheimer’s - opens at Keele University Art Gallery next month.
Keele MBA
Posted on 23 September 2014 Business Managers are invited to join Keele University's MBA course, which is designed for those with a minimum 3 years management experience and provides the core material expected from a high quality MBA programme.
‘Tighten up labour market to stop exploitation of migrant workers’
Posted on 22 September 2014 A paper based on new research led by Dr Simon Pemberton of Keele University, with University of Birmingham’s Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) and Sheffield Hallam University urges the government to intervene to help reduce migrants’ poverty and their reliance on in-work benefits.
New inaugural lecture series at Keele
Posted on 22 September 2014 Professor Nicky Edelstyn, School of Psychology at Keele University, will give the opening lecture in Keele's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2014-15, on Tuesday, 14 October 2014, in the Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building, on the University campus.The title of her lecture is: "Causes of memory disorder in Parkinson’s".
Rowan Williams to lecture at Keele
Posted on 17 September 2014 The Rt Reverend Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, will give a public lecture at Keele University next month. The lecture, titled: "Mysticism and Politics: Two Worlds or One?", takes place on 2 October 2014.
Care plans and care planning in the management of long-term conditions in the UK
Posted on 15 September 2014 In the UK, the use of care planning and written care plans has been proposed to improve the management of long-term conditions, yet there is limited evidence concerning their uptake and benefits.Aim - to explore the implementation of care plans and care planning in the UK and associations with the process and outcome of care.

Keele student wins Prime Minister's Award
Posted on 27 August 2014 An inspirational student doctor at Keele University, who has encouraged more than 1,200 people to join the Anthony Nolan bone marrow register is the winner of a new award, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.
A celebration of creativity in later life!
Posted on 26 August 2014 This first Live Age Festival will showcase the work and talents of local older people and arts organisations across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire. Keele and Staffordshire universities, together with a range of partners, cultural institutions, arts-based groups and other organisations, are supporting the Festival.
'Role of Clearing system is changing' - Keele VC
Posted on 13 August 2014 Speaking ahead of this year’s A-level results, Professor Nick Foskett, Vice-Chancellor of Keele University, which has just come joint first for student satisfaction in the 2014 National Student Survey, says that this year we will see the role of the Clearing system continue to change.
Keele University top for student satisfaction
Posted on 12 August 2014 Keele students are the happiest in the country. A national survey has placed the University first in the country for student satisfaction.
Keele graduates on ‘cloud nine’ after joining internship programme
Posted on 11 August 2014 North West based FHL Cloud Solutions has taken on six graduates from Keele University as it continues to deliver on its ambitious growth plans.
New ways to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer
Posted on 11 August 2014 A leading scientist based at Keele University has been awarded a grant worth around £20,000 by research charity Breast Cancer Campaign to find new ways to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, the most common type of the disease.
SPEEDing towards a National Award
Posted on 30 July 2014 A business start-up project run at five Midlands universities has been shortlisted for a high profile, national award.
Keele and Aspire working together to boost opportunities
Posted on 23 July 2014 Keele University and The Aspire Group have pledged to work together to generate social and community value, local labour, training and employment opportunities
School Centred Initial Teacher Training partnership
Posted on 11 July 2014 Keele University has underlined its commitment to the region’s schools by joining forces with two exceptional schools to launch an exciting new model to deliver teacher training.
Keele shortlisted for prestigious Green Gown Awards
Posted on 07 July 2014 Keele University has been shortlisted for three prestigious Green Gown Awards, which recognise exceptional contributions to sustainability, and innovative approaches to safeguarding the environment.
£1.8 million grant to improve care of sciatica patients
Posted on 03 July 2014 NIHR Professor Nadine Foster, of the Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre at Keele University, has been awarded an NIHR Health Technology Assessment grant of £1.18 million for a randomised trial that seeks to improve the primary care management of patients with sciatica and suspected sciatica through a new approach called stratified care.
Keele University Student of the Year 2014
Posted on 03 July 2014 The Keele University Neil and Gina Smith Student of the Year 2014 is Nicola Edwards. From an exceptionally strong pool of candidates, the awarding panel decided that Nicola should be the recipient of the 2014 Neil and Gina Smith Student of the Year Award.
Keele receives £108,000 to get more students active
Posted on 25 June 2014 Students at Keele University will have more chances to play sport thanks to £108,141 of National Lottery funding from Sport England’s University Sport Activation Fund.
Molecular footballs could revolutionize next World Cup experience
Posted on 23 June 2014 A new way to assemble individual molecules could revolutionize the creation of novel materials with numerous potential applications, including emerging technologies such as flexible TVs.
The Impact of Urban Education Initiatives on Pupil Learning
Posted on 19 June 2014 The Education Survey & Research Service which will be holding a conference on Friday 4 July 2014 to mark the 25th anniversary of its founding at Keele University.
National Teaching Fellowship for Keele Lecturer
Posted on 13 June 2014 Dr Jackie Waterfield, Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Rehabilitation at Keele University, has been named as one of 55 higher education staff who have been awarded National Teaching Fellowships, the most prestigious awards for excellence in higher education teaching and support for learning.
Green Impact Awards
Posted on 09 June 2014 Keele University has crowned cycling campaigner Michelle Bourne its environmental hero of the year at its awards afternoon for the Green Impact initiative.
£1.9 million grant for musculoskeletal research
Posted on 04 June 2014 Researchers at Keele University have been awarded a £1.93 million National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Programme Grant for a new five year programme of research to develop a new treatment model for people with musculoskeletal problems in primary care.
Keele moves up Guardian League Table for third consecutive year
Posted on 03 June 2014 Keele has moved up three places to 42nd position in the prestigious Guardian University League Table for 2015, an upward move of 12 places in the last three years.
50,000 Years of Social Work and Counting!
Posted on 03 June 2014 Professor Steven Shardlow, Professor of Social Work at Keele University, will give the last lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures for 2013-14, on Wednesday, 11th June, 2014. The lecture is titled "50,000 Years of Social Work and Counting!”
Keele vs Staffordshire University Volunteering Competition
Posted on 03 June 2014 During the academic year, between October 2013 and May 2014, Keele and Staffordshire universities took part in a competition with each other, to see which university could collect the most volunteering hours from its students.
Top national award for Keele GP researcher
Posted on 03 June 2014 Professor Christian Mallen, Professor of General Practice at the Institute of Primary Care & Health Sciencesat Keele University, has been awarded the prestigious John Fry Award from the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Innovative Growth Hub for Social Enterprise Activities
Posted on 28 May 2014 Innovative New Keele-led Partnership wins highly competitive national funding to develop Social Enterprise activity across Stoke and Staffordshire
Keele Refugee Week 2014
Posted on 19 May 2014 Keele joins Refugee Week and its profusion of activities taking place across the country from 16th until 22nd June.
Keele’s Spotlight on Internships
Posted on 16 May 2014 A hundred delegates attended a breakfast event at Keele Hall, to hear about the University’s graduate internship scheme.
Healthcare Summer Schools 2014
Posted on 16 May 2014 Keele University and the University Hospital of North Staffordshire are running a series of one-day Summer Schools for young learners interested in a career in Healthcare.
New online gout resource launched
Posted on 16 May 2014 A new online gout resource aims to dispel widespread myths and improve awareness of how painful gout can be.
Keele ranked among UK best for staff and lectures
Posted on 16 May 2014 Keele ranked 6th in the UK for high quality staff and lectures, 13th for student experience in Times Higher Student Experience Survey 2014.
Thomas Jefferson, Jesus Christ, red, white and blue…
Posted on 13 May 2014 Professor Axel Schafer, American Studies at Keele University, will give the next lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2013-14.
Keele Honorary Degrees 2014
Posted on 13 May 2014 BAFTA Award winning Keele graduate Jamie Aitchison is among nine people who will be awarded Honorary Degrees by the University during this summer's graduation ceremonies.
Lord Justice Ryder Seminar
Posted on 13 May 2014 Series of Social Work Law Research Seminars - Lord Justice Ryder, Court of Appeal
Health Literacy conference
Posted on 07 May 2014 Health literacy is ‘the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand, and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health’.
Medicine Summer School 2014
Posted on 07 May 2014 A Medical Summer School designed to provide year 12 students, who have the potential and aspiration to become tomorrow's doctors, with an opportunity to gain a insight in to the actualities of practicing medicine has been organised by Keele University School of Medicine and the University Hospital of North Staffordshire.
Keele Outreach Student Ambassadors Awards Evening
Posted on 07 May 2014 Keele University will reward the excellence of their Student Ambassadors, including the many of which that have worked with disadvantaged young people from North Staffordshire over the last 12 months, at a special awards ceremony.
Emotional arousal makes us better at swearing - Keele study
Posted on 07 May 2014 People swear more colourfully when they are in a emotionally aroused state. This suggests that swearing is closely related to emotion. This is the finding of a research project, funded by the British Psychological Society’s 2013 Undergraduate Research Assistantship Scheme, by Amy Zile and Dr Richard Stephens from Keele University.
Playfulness and Paradox in Spanish Urban Street Art - Exhibition
Posted on 06 May 2014 Keele University Art Gallery is set to play host to PLAYFULNESS AND PARADOX IN SPANISH URBAN STREET ART a visual ethnographic research project conducted in 2013 by Dr Andrzej Zieleniec of Keele University and supported by Santander.
Shadow Minister visits Keele Community Legal Companion initiative
Posted on 01 May 2014 One year on from the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, Tristram Hunt MP has visited a pioneering scheme at Keele University Law School that enables university students to assist litigants.
Mason’s Ironstone - Your Story
Posted on 01 May 2014 The Raven Mason Trust have been awarded £7,000 from the Heritage Lottery to explore the contribution of Mason Ironstone to the social and cultural history of Stoke- on-Trent and the English ceramic industry.
Keele annual teachers' and advisers' conference
Posted on 01 May 2014 Keele University is hosting its annual teachers' and advisers' conference on Thursday 5 June at Keele Hall. The conference is aimed at careers advisers, heads of sixth form and anyone with responsibility for learners progressing into higher education.
Community Open Day - Sunday, 1 June
Posted on 01 May 2014 Come along and join us for our family friendly Community Day here at Keele University. The campus offers a wide variety of over 50 activities and experiences to explore PLUS live performances to entertain. It’s FREE, fun packed and interactive.
Private law: A social tool that reflects different forms of justice
Posted on 01 May 2014 Professor Tsachi Keren-Paz, Professor of Private Law at Keele University, will give the next lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2013-14, on Monday 12th May 2014, in the Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building, on the Keele campus. His lecture is titled ‘Private law: A social tool that reflects different forms of justice’.
Salters’ Festival of Chemistry at Keele
Posted on 17 April 2014 110 students from 22 schools in the Staffordshire and Cheshire area will enjoy two exciting days of chemistry at the Salters' Festivals of Chemistry to be held at Keele.
Possible UCU Action: Marking Boycott
Posted on 23 April 2014 The University and College Union (UCU) has called on its members to participate in a national marking boycott, which may be implemented from 28 April 2014. The boycott is in connection with a national salary dispute.
Keele forensic geophysics helps solve 660-year-old mystery
Posted on 01 April 2014 A Geophysics team from Keele University has helped London Crossrail in their investigations into the burial of Black Death victims from the great pandemic of the 14th Century.
£3.5 million boost for Regenerative Medicine research
Posted on 01 April 2014 Keele University is one of three partners in the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Regenerative Medicine that has been awarded £3.5 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) to further its research programmes in this globally important and fast-growing field of the healthcare industry.
North-South Irish Responses to Transnational Organised Crime
Posted on 20 March 2014 A team of researchers from the project “North-South Irish Responses to Transnational Oganised Crime” are hosting a conference to launch a report of research findings.
Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship for Keele researcher
Posted on 19 March 2014 Dr Sharon Owen, who works in Keele University's Research Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine and the Centre for Spinal Studies at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Oswestry, has been awarded one of three prestigious Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowships in the West Midlands.
Central Government to back unique energy partnership at Keele
Posted on 14 March 2014 In a ground breaking collaboration between Keele, Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council, the Cabinet Office has confirmed that it will pump £5m into a £27million project creating a UK's first Smart Energy Network Demonstrator site.
The Natural History of Keele University
Posted on 13 March 2014 A new book, Natural History of Keele University by David Emley, brings together 40 years of studying the flora and fauna of the Keele campus.
Plant extract offers hope for infant motor neurone therapy
Posted on 11 March 2014 A chemical found in plants could reduce the symptoms of the rare muscle disease, spinal muscular atrophy, which leaves children with little or no control of movement in their lower limbs.
Targeted treatment of back pain sees 50% drop in work absence
Posted on 11 March 2014 Stratified or targeted care of back pain implemented by family doctors leads to ‘significant’ improvements for patients and a 50% reduction in work absence – without an increase in healthcare costs – according to new research.
Keele subjects among world's elite
Posted on 28 February 2014 Keele features among the world's elite (Top 200) institutions in three of the 30 subjects featured in this year's QS World University Rankings by Subject.
Distress in Primary Care: Learning from patients and colleagues
Posted on 26 February 2014 Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham, Professor of General Practice Research at Keele University, will give the next lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2013-14.
Keele hockey XI to play a Scottish national team
Posted on 24 February 2014 A Keele University Hockey Club team will be travelling to Scotland next month for a charity match against the Scotland under-18 national team.
Keele lecturer takes her science to Parliament
Posted on 20 February 2014 Helen Price, a newly appointed lecturer in Bioscience at Keele University, is attending Parliament to present her science to a range of politicians and a panel of expert judges, as part of SET for Britain.
Could restless sleep cause widespread pain in older folks?
Posted on 13 February 2014 Researchers in the U.K. report that non-restorative sleep is the strongest, independent predictor of widespread pain onset among adults over the age of 50.
Early onset Alzheimer’s disease in worker exposed to aluminium
Posted on 12 February 2014 Research at Keele University in Staffordshire has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminium at work and died of Alzheimer’s disease had high levels of aluminium in the brain.
Through the eyes of...Expressing Sustainability through Art
Posted on 12 February 2014 Explore perceptions of sustainability with sub themes of energy, climate change, eco systems and science through a variety of art forms.
Curiosity, Culture and Conversation: Three pillars of the academy
Posted on 05 February 2014 Professor Lindsay Bashford, Professor of Applied Medical Sciences and Director of Academic Undergraduate Studies in the School of Medicine at Keele University, will give the next lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2013-14, on Tuesday, 18 February, 2014.
Keele among world's 100 most international universities
Posted on 04 February 2014 Keele University’s position among the global elite has been underlined by a new table which places it among the 100 most international universities in the world.
World War One conference for young learners
Posted on 04 February 2014 More than 100 young people from schools across North Staffordshire will attend an event at Keele University next week, to mark the centenary of the beginning of the First Wold War.
Keele researchers handed crucial role in search for prostate cancer answers
Posted on 03 February 2014 Researchers from Keele University have received a grant for £50,000 to increase understanding of how to treat advanced prostate cancer.
'So You Want To Be A Doctor?' Day
Posted on 27 January 2014Keele University School of Medicine will be hosting its eleventh "So You Want To Be A Doctor?" careers day in March.

Keele and Staffs unis support HS2 Stoke link
Posted on 23 January 2014 Keele and Staffordshire universities issued a joint statement in today's Sentinel supporting proposals to bring HS2 to Stoke-on-Trent with the aim of underpinning growth and boosting economic development in the area.
British Muslims with diabetes need more healthcare support during Ramadan
Posted on 21 January 2014 British Muslims with diabetes may avoid attending GP surgeries to discuss fasting during the holy month of Ramadan – with potentially serious consequences for their future health, new research by the universities of Manchester and Keele shows.
Three Counties Open Photographic Competition
Posted on 20 January 2014 Photographers from Cheshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire have been invited to submit entries for the Keele University Art Gallery's Three Counties Open Photography Competition.
From global wars to sustainable futures: children, politics and education
Posted on 15 January 2014 Professor Farzana Shain, Professor of Sociology of Education and the Director of Postgraduate Research in Education in the School of Public Policy and Professional Practice at Keele University, will give the next lecture in University's programme of Inaugural Professorial Lectures 2013-14.
Keele Observatory joins BBC Stargazing Live 2014
Posted on 03 January 2014 Keele Observatory will open its doors to the public next week as part of the BBC2 Stargazing Live 2014 events.