Undergraduate specifications


NB: the programme specifications published on this page provide information about Keele's undergraduate programmes in the Academic Year 2024/25.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Programme Specification
Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy

Assistant Practitioner (Radiography) (Apprenticeship) (Single Honours)

Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science (Single Honours)

Pharmaceutical Science (Single Honours) (Levels 4 and 5)

Pharmaceutical Science with Business (Single Honours) (Level 6)

Pharmacy (Single Honours)

Physiotherapy (Single Honours) (Masters)

Public Health Management (Single Honours) (CDUTCM)

Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) (Apprenticeship) (Single Honours)

Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) (Single Honours)

Rehabilitation and Exercise Science (Single Honours) (Level 4)

Rehabilitation and Exercise Science (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Rehabilitation and Exercise Therapy (Single Honours) (CDUTCM)

Speech and Language Therapy (Single Honours) (Masters)


Medicine MBChB (Single Honours)

Paramedic Science (Single Honours) (Masters)

Public Health (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Social Work (Single Honours)

Nursing and Midwifery

Enhanced Clinical Practice (Apprenticeship) (Single Honours)

Midwifery BSc (pre-registration) (incl Apprenticeship)

Nursing BSc (pre-registration)

Nursing Associate (Apprenticeship) (Foundation Degree)

Nursing Studies (pre-registration)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Programme Specification

Creative Writing (Single Honours)

English Literature (Combined Honours)

English Literature (Single Honours)

English Literature and Creative Writing (Single Honours)

Film Studies (Combined Honours)

Film Studies (Single Honours)

Film Studies and Creative Writing (Single Honours)

History (Combined Honours)

History (Single Honours)

Liberal Arts (Single Honours)

Liberal Arts (Single Honours) (Masters)

Media (Combined Honours)

Media and Communications (Single Honours)

Music Production (Combined Honours)

Music Production and Sound Design (Single Honours)

Keele Business School

Accounting (Single Honours)

Accounting and Business Management (Single Honours) (Level 6 only)

Accounting and Finance (Single Honours)

Accounting and Finance (DipHE) (JUAS)

Accounting with Business Analytics (Single Honours)

Business (Combined Honours) (Level 6 only)

Business and Human Resource Management (Single Honours) (Level 6 only)

Business and Management (Single Honours) (Top-up degree)

Business Management (Combined Honours) (Levels 4 and 5 only)

Business Management (Single Honours) (Level 4 only)

Business Management (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6 only)

Business Management (Single Honours) (Masters) (Levels 4 and 5 only)

Business Management and Accounting (Single Honours) (Levels 4 and 5 only)

Business Management and Economics (Single Honours)

Business Management and Finance (Single Honours)

Business Management and Human Resources (Single Honours) (Levels 4 and 5 only)

Business Management and Marketing (Single Honours) (Levels 4 and 5 only)

Business Management with Analytics (Single Honours)

Economics (Combined Honours)

Economics (Single Honours)

Economics and Finance (Single Honours)

Economics and Finance (DipHE) (JUAS)

Esports Business Management (Single Honours)

Finance and Management (Single Honours) (Top-up degree)

International Business and Marketing (Single Honours) (Level 6 only)

International Business Management (Single Honours)

International Business Management and Marketing (Single Honours) (Levels 4,5)

Management (Single Honours) (Masters) (Levels 6 and 7)

Marketing (Combined Honours)

Marketing (Single Honours)

Marketing and Business Management (Single Honours) (Level 6)

Sports Business Management (Single Honours)


Law (Graduate Entry) (Single Honours)

Law (Single Honours) (Accelerated)

LLB Law (Commercial, Criminal, Social Justice, Environmental (Single Honours))

LLB Law (with Criminology, Politics, Business, PLP) (Single Honours)

Social Sciences

Criminology (Combined Honours)

Criminology (Single Honours)

Criminology and Criminal Justice (Single Honours)

Education (Combined Honours)

Education (Single Honours)

International Governance and Public Policy (Single Honours) (BFSU)

International Relations (Combined Honours)

International Relations (Single Honours)

Philosophy (Combined Honours)

Philosophy (Single Honours)

Politics (Combined Honours)

Politics (Single Honours)

Politics and Economics (Single Honours)

Social and Political Sciences (Single Honours)

Sociology (Combined Honours)

Sociology (Single Honours)

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Programme Specification
Chemical and Physical Sciences (CPS)

Astrophysics (Combined Honours)

Astrophysics (Single Honours) (Masters)

Chemistry (Combined Honours)

Chemistry (Single Honours)

Chemistry (Single Honours) (Masters)

Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (Single Honours)

Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (Single Honours) (Masters)

Forensic and Analytical Investigation (Single Honours) (Masters)

Forensic Science (Combined Honours)

Forensic Science (Single Honours)

Forensic Science (Single Honours) (Masters)

Forensic Science and Criminology (Single Honours)

Medicinal Chemistry (Combined Honours)

Physics (Combined Honours)

Physics (Single Honours)

Physics with Astrophysics (Single Honours)

Physics with Renewable Energy (Single Honours)

Computer Science and Mathematics

Computer Science (Combined Honours) (Level 4)

Computer Science (Combined Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Computer Science (Single Honours) (Level 4)

Computer Science (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Computer Science (Single Honours) (Masters) (Level 4)

Computer Science (Single Honours) (Masters) (Levels 5 and 6)

Computing (Single Honours) (Top-up degree)

Data Science (Combined Honours) (Level 4)

Data Science (Combined Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Data Science (Single Honours) (Level 4)

Data Science (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Data Science (Apprenticeship) (Single Honours) (Level 4)

Data Science (Apprenticeship) (Single Honours) (Levels 5 and 6)

Data Science with Applied Business Informatics (Levels 5 and 6)

Mathematics (Combined Honours)

Mathematics (Single Honours)

Mathematics (Single Honours) (Masters)

Life Sciences

Biochemistry (Combined Honours)

Biochemistry (Single Honours)

Biochemistry (Single Honours) (Masters)

Bioengineering (Regenerative Medicine) (Single Honours)

Biology (Combined Honours)

Biology (Single Honours)

Biomedical Science (Single Honours)

Bioveterinary Science (Single Honours)

Ecology and Conservation (Single Honours)

Ecology and Conservation (Single Honours) (Masters)

Environment and Sustainability (Single Honours)

Environmental Science (Combined Honours)

Environmental Science (Single Honours)

Environmental Science (Practitioner) (Apprenticeship) to follow

Environmental Science and Geography (Single Honours)

Geography (Combined Honours)

Geography (Single Honours)

Geology (Combined Honours)

Geology (Single Honours)

Geology and Physical Geography (Single Honours)

Human Biology (Combined Honours)

Microbiology and Immunology (Single Honours)

Microbiology and Immunology (Single Honours) (Masters)

Natural Sciences (Single Honours)

Natural Sciences (Single Honours) (Masters)

Neuroscience (Combined Honours)

Neuroscience (Single Honours)

Neuroscience with Psychology (Single Honours)

Pharmacology (Single Honours)

Pharmacology (Single Honours) (Masters)

Psychology with Neuroscience (Single Honours)


Business Psychology (Single Honours)

Forensic Psychology (Single Honours)

Psychology (Combined Honours)

Psychology (Single Honours)

Psychology and Education (Single Honours)

Psychology with Counselling (Single Honours)

Sport and Exercise Psychology (Single Honours)